Cypress Village Endorsed by Council!
After an overwhelmingly positive Public Hearing on June 25th 2024, the Area Development Plan for Cypress Village and Eagleridge received Second and Third Reading from the District of West Vancouver Council.
Area Development Plan for Cypress Village and Eagleridge
Beginning in 2020, the District of West Vancouver undertook a three-phase planning and community engagement process called Planning the Upper Lands: Creating a Sustainable Urban Community in Cypress Village and Protecting Lands in Eagleridge which culminated in an Area Development Plan (ADP) for Cypress Village and Eagleridge. The ADP responds to the Official Community Plan (2018) that prioritizes retaining all of the Eagleridge lands (owned by BPP and zoned for single family) as protected green space, by transferring the development rights into Cypress Village to create a sustainable, vibrant community.
Above: Cypress Village will provide multiple options for active modes of travel such as walking, scooting, rollerblading, skateboarding and cycling.
Building Heights: Heights ranging from 2 to 25 storeys Total Homes: 3,711 homes
- 230 single family homes
- 161 duplex, triplex or townhomes
- 184 below-market rental apartment homes
- 553 rental apartment homes
- 2,583 strata apartment homes
Total Employment Space: Maximum 380,600 sq. ft.
- Ground level retail: 115,000 sq. ft.
- Business park space: 130,000 sq ft.
Civic Space:
- Community Centre: 24,000 sq. ft.
- Fire Hall: Space for 3 fire truck bays
- SD45 School: Size TBD by province
Childcare Space: 107 childcare spaces Park Space: 6 Neighbourhood Parks, 2 Community Parks, a Sports Field, 50+ acres for mountain biking trials + hiking trails
- Protection of over 400 acres of BPP-owned land in Eagleridge and lands within the Cypress Village planning area, all of which is zoned for single family housing.
- Housing diversity including strata apartments, market rental apartments, and below market rental apartments, ground-oriented multi-family homes, and single family homes.
- Independent Transit Service operated by BPP on the first day Cypress Village is open.
- Green space with numerous parks, plazas and new recreational trails, including over 50 acres of land dedicated for mountain bike trails including funding for improvements.
- Enhancement of local creeks and wetlands in Cypress Village as well as the reestablishment of salmon spawning and rearing habitat at Capilano Golf Course in Hadden Creek.
- Expansion of the municipal tax base and local employment opportunities with a business park, office and possibly a boutique hotel.
- Civic facilities including a community centre, sports field fire hall, ad land for a future elementary school.
- Commercial services to support the Upper Lands including restaurants, cafes, and local serving retail.
- Completed childcare spaces distributed throughout the village.
- Road Upgrades made to the surrounding road system including Cypress Bowl Road, plus a new road connecting the Westmount Road Highway Interchange (Exit 7) from Wentworth Avenue up to the village called the Westmount Connector.
For more information, please visit the District’s Planning Website below, or
Our Support and Commitment. To show our support for the District process and reinforce British Pacific Properties’ commitment to realizing a sustainable, smart-growth community in the Upper Lands that is reflective of community input, we created this short video below:
Our Thanks. The creation of a village as beautiful, welcoming, diverse and respectful of nature as this one brings with it an enormous responsibility. This short film below is dedicated to the community of West Vancouver and to its residents who are sharing in that responsibility and helping define a new village that exemplifies just how uplifting quality of life can be. We are grateful for your time and input. is managed by British Pacific Properties (BPP) and is dedicated to sharing the planning history for Cypress Village, specifically the findings from the 2016 BPP-led planning and community engagement process, as well as timely updates on the current District-led process and opportunities for public input.
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